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International Missions:
GapStanders Learning Center in Delmas, South Africa


We are building big for the next generation - A Seed for a Seed ! 

Fundraising 20k for Learning Center (Delmas, South Africa)

Building a technology center in South Africa with furnishings !



Life Enrichment Summits
Seoul, Korea and Wiesbaden, Germany

We conducted summits on and off of United States military bases comprised of multiple days and sessions.  Attendees left with solutions aimed at improving the skill sets, abilities and confidence of their family health and personal emotional well being.  We were able to provide insight into how they can collaborate with fellow leaders and families to positively influence their surrounding community.

Image by Mapbox

Political Campaign Advising and Support
Nairobi, Kenya

We served Margaret Wanjiru with support during her parliamentary campaign.  We not only provided her with aide for her cause as well as helped to manage many of her NGO and ministry obligations during this time.


Single Mothers Raising Sons
Johannesburg, South Africa

We support this organization who reaches out to single mothers and fatherless sons, a group of people who have been forgotten in many countries. Working through our South African-based ministry leaders, our monthly financial support helps them serve single mothers and their sons, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and educationally.   They also offer adoption assistance and character building boys camps. 

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